Why it's a Mind Blow: To understand quantum mechanics, you have to be a lot smarter than me! For years now, I've been making my best layman's effort to grasp the nature of this field of physics. It's thrilling, mind-boggling, and rife with possibilities that may change our understanding of the universe.
Quantum computing and quantum communications hold tremendous promise. Up until two days ago, it was all theoretical. But on April 12, scientists took the first physical step towards a quantum future. A quantum internet would be unimaginably fast, completely secure, and carry more data than we can conceive, and all in an instant. Information is shared between two "entangled" atoms. They are separated by distance, but they exist in the same state at the same time. Don't ask me how, but they do it! It's a reality, and it's absolutely mind-blowing!
Source: http://news.discovery.com/tech/quantum-internet-120412.html
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