Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Puppy Love

Summary: Blair, a blind golden retriever who suffered from seizures, is all but cured by the love of a trusted friend.

Why it's a Mind Blow: At the age of one, Blair the dog lost her owner. The blind golden retriever was taken to an animal shelter, where she started suffering seizures on a nightly basis. The stress of her loss and her lack of sight were simply too much to bear.

Enter Tanner, another rescue dog. Tanner was timid after suffering a gun shot wound to the leg in the mean streets of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Tanner and Blair met in the play-yard at the rescue shelter and became fast friends. Tanner takes Blair on walks, leading her through the dark world with her leash in his mouth. This new found purpose has put a spring in Tanner's once dampened step, and Blair's seizures have all but stopped.

So why is this a mind blow? Well, to quote Andrew Lloyd Webber and Chris Hampton (and I promise this is the only time I will ever do that), " changes everything."

Watch and be heartened!

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